Nadya Bella Anggraeni (19) is a student of University Muhammadiyah Malang who was found dead in the rice fields Klandungan Hamlet, Village Landungsari, District Dau, Malang. Nadya Bella Anggraeni is a student of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang who is currently studying Nursing Diploma 3 Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). Nadya Bella Anggraeni, a resident of Bugir Street RT04 / RW08, Village Tulusrejo, Lowokwaru District, Malang.
The first victim was found on Thursday (1/9) afternoon by a man looking for grass called wahyudi (38). He smelled the rotted around the fields. Then he looked for the source of the foul odor. The foul smell coming from the woman's body. The bodies of the victims were found lying around the grass. The woman's body was already in a state swollen and rot. Then he told the village headman.
Malang Police Kasatreskrim AKP Adam purbantoro justify, if the identity of a female corpse was found in the rice fields is a student at University of Muhammadiyah Malang Nursing D3. "Yeah right, her identity is known. The victim was a student," said Adam. Adam admitted that he had deployed a special team to hunt down the perpetrators suspected of taking the life of the victim. Armed poaching from processing the crime scene as well as the testimony of witnesses, including the testimony of the victim's family. "Please pray for could soon be revealed," he said. Not until 10 hours, Kasatreskrim Malang Police managed to catch the killer. The perpetrator is Hafiz Faizal Misbah (19) alias Bogel, who is also a friend of the victim. Bogel was arrested at home, Tlogomas street few hours after the bodies Bella found.
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