Hi guys, meet again with me. This time I will discuss about website "Hacker news". Hacker news websites like Quora is a topic discussing only on information technology. So, people who are in the news hackers are people who like the technology and always comment on the development of technology. I actually do not like "Hacker News" website because the language of the website is English with a high level. So I always dizzy while reading an article on the Hacker News. But because I was given homework from My English teacher, actually I want to read the news article from Hacker News. I also feel bored while reading the news in the Hacker News because see website flat and no pictures on Hacker News that makes me bored.
Because of homework, I discuss about the hacker news. This time I will discuss an article about Eve: Programming designed for humans on the website witheve.com. The article discuss about the technological advances that can be used for humans. I think it maybe true if technology can be use to help humans now and maybe more than human. But the article discusses about Eve is a programming language and IDE based on years of research into building a human-first programming platform. From code embedded in documents to a language without order, it presents an alternative take on what programming could be - one that focuses on us instead of the machine.
Maybe we think, if it could be programming designed for humans? So far we know that the technology tools that can be used for humans not progamming and there are several people who commented on the article. Someone answers, "I think that Eve is tackling the wrong problem. Allow me an analogy: "Bronk, the math designed for humans." Instead of dense algebraic expressions like "3x+49", you get to write "thrice the value of x plus 49." You may consider this a straw man, but I think that if you look hard at existing programming languages, you'll see that they are all designed for humans, and that the challenge in programming is in formulating your thoughts in a precise fashion. Should languages create higher-level abstractions to allow humans to reason about programs more efficiently? Yes! But that's not what this environment is about. I do see one possible rebuttal to this, which would be an entirely different form of programming that is to traditional programming what google search is to the semantic web; that is, rather than specify programs precisely, we give examples to an approximate system and hope for the best. In many ways, that's how our biological systems work, and they've gotten us a long way. I don't see that happening in Eve, though". Someone also answer, "It's unfortunate the parent is the top comment here. There's a common thing that happens when a new idea shows up that doesn't easily fit into existing categories:(most) people give it a cursory look over, and then decide it's just another instance of boring category X. This is especially common in discussions about humanizing programming. I think it's partly because people are invested in the current way of doing things, having spent so much time developing their particular skills; and partly because our attempts at serious alternatives have largely been failures, so far. That makes it easy to see any new idea in this space and automatically class it as already understood. But there is room between C++ and toy visual languages, and someone may find something good there yet—and this will illuminate things just that much more if nothing else. Look into the lineage of ideas the Eve team have moved through to get where they are today, and you've got to admire their search process even if you don't like the results. In any case, it's patently false that Eve's innovation is analogous to the algebra example given in the parent."
Of all the answers, none of which I understand. I can only read and agree with them. I can only suggest there was one webiste that talks about information technology but using English language with the regular rate. That is my experience using hacker news is really disappointing because I was not familiar with the discussion on the website Hacker News. Thank You and Sorry.
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